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【01 Smudge Spray 淨化純露噴霧 - Purifying Floral Water Mist(100ml)

Ingredients and Benefits:

聖木 - 具有淨化能量、提升靈性意識和平靜心靈的功效。它含有檸檬烯,能夠抗菌消炎、提升免疫力和護理皮膚等問題,同時舒緩精神壓力、放鬆緊繃的心情,以及提升專注力,達到身心靈療癒功效。
Palo Santo - Has the effect of purifying energy, enhancing spiritual awareness, and calming the mind. It contains limonene, which has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and skin care properties, as well as helping to relieve mental stress, relax the mind, and improve focus, achieving a holistic healing effect.

碌柚葉 - 含有類黃酮,具有抗菌、抗炎和抗氧化的功效。同時可以幫助減少細菌和微生物的生長,清潔空氣。
Pomelo Leaf - Contains flavonoids with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It also helps reduce the growth of bacteria and microorganisms, cleansing the air.

死海礦物鹽 - 含有豐富的礦物質,如鎂、鈣和鉀等,能增強空間淨化的效果,營造清新舒適的環境。
Dead Sea Mineral Salts - Contains a rich variety of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which can enhance the effect of space purification and create a fresh and comfortable environment.

Water (no added fragrances, preservatives, or synthetic perfumes)

*For pregnant women and patients with respiratory diseases, favism, or other medical conditions, it is advisable to consult a doctor in advance.

Regular price HK$280.00
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